Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More calculations

Okay I am going to start having to differentiate between two (2) kinds of "value" for anecdotes.

Av1 is the value of the telling of the anecdote for the teller. The dining out on a story, as it were. The value of a story as social lubricant, as icebreaker, as establishing the value of the teller of the anecdote. This would be measured in goods or services (as far as they can be quantified) accruing to the teller.

Av2 is the measure of the ability of the anecdote to change the outcome of something, in a choice model, let's say. So the value of Av2 is measured by the change (quantifiable) that it produces, which does not necessarily accrue to the teller.

Hm. I have to take this into chambers.

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